Tips to help with your mental health #3 - Mindfulness

In our modern world, we are bombarded with so much information every moment of every day. There’s so much we need to think about and do which can end up becoming quite overwhelming for us leading to increased stress and anxiety and impacting our mental health. Find out how mindfulness can help you cope with this daily pressure

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How to beat the January Blues

So, the thrill of Christmas and New Year are over. It’s still cold and dark outside and many people can’t afford to take time off to go to sunnier climates for a holiday. It’s no wonder people struggle with the January blues! But how do you help combat that feeling?

Over the last few years, I’ve begun to look at January in a very different way…

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Changing your present through exploring your past

For many people coming to therapy for the first time, there is often an important question on their minds “How can talking about my past change the way I feel in the here and now?” 

The question is very valid, after all no matter if we are talking about a few days ago or decades ago, you cannot change the past. You may recognise that things you experienced in the past were unhealthy, but ultimately you cannot change what has gone before, so how does talking about it help with feelings, thoughts and behaviours in the here and now?

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Feeling your Feelings

As children, we experience many messages designed to tell us that emotional states are either positive or negative. 'Positive' emotions such as happiness, laughter and love are encouraged. However 'negative' emotions such as pain, fear, sadness and anger are discouraged with parents telling their children “stop crying” or “it doesn’t hurt that much” or “stop being a baby”. Often there is an element of bribery with the child being promised something positive in return for suppressing this “negative” emotional state. 

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How to Turn Feelings of Failure into Success

In modern society, there is often huge pressure for people to get things right, to succeed and to be perfect.  When we do achieve and get things right, we feel fantastic, however sooner or later we will fail and this sends us plummeting into feelings of disappointment, sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety and even depression.

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First Timers Guide to Starting Counselling or Psychotherapy

Counselling, Psychotherapy and other talking therapies have a long proven track record of helping people overcome a multitude of distresses, issues and psychological struggles. However for anyone who has never gone to therapy before, the thought of it can in many cases be anxiety provoking which can delay people getting the help they need to improve their lives.

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Differences in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Psychology

When people find themselves struggling with their mental health, the last thing they need to face is the confusing issue of which route to go down; Counselling, Psychology, Psychiatry or Psychotherapy. The truth is that all four therapeutic approaches have their benefits depending on what your needs and struggles are. Here we take a very basic look at the four approaches to therapy so you can get an idea of what you need.

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